


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 RESULTS
Prasarita-PadottanasanaEN YOGA POSES

Prasarita padottanasana – the best way to do it

Prasarita-Padottanasana Did you know? Prasarita-Padottanasana – Wide-Legged Forward Bend or spread foot or forward bend position with feet apart belongs to the standing yoga poses. It has a therapeutic effect …

Yoga squat - Malasana - step-by-step instructionsYOGA POSES

Yoga squat – Malasana – step-by-step instructions

Did you know? Squat yoga position – Malasana –  or wreath. The yogi squat opens the hips and stretches the ankles, groin, and lower back. By pushing the knees to …

Eagle pose - GarudasanaEN YOGA POSES

Eagle pose – Garudasana

Did you know? Eagle pose – Garudasana – a balancing yoga position that stretches the shoulders and upper back, strengthens the leg muscles and ankles and makes the knees more …

Tree pose - VrksasanaEN YOGA POSES

Tree pose – Vrksasana

Did you know? Tree pose – Vrksasana – is a standing yoga pose that improves BALANCE and CONCENTRATION!!! According to traditional texts, it is a SELF-CONFIDENCE building exercise, as well …

Goddess pose - how to doEN YOGA POSES

Yoga tips – basic rules for beginners

The FIRST task for a yoga beginner Yoga tips can be classified into two categories. The one that relates to all yoga techniques and all categories of participants, and the …


Yoga pose – asana – definition

YOGA POSE – ASANA is a stable and comfortable yoga position! I believe that this sentence has rung in the ears of many right now! Comfortable!!! Stable!!! Most people define asanas …