The FIRST task for a yoga beginner
Yoga tips can be classified into two categories. The one that relates to all yoga techniques and all categories of participants, and the one that relates to a specific technique (performance of positions, breathing, meditation, concentration…). Considering that yoga is often equated with practicing yoga positions, the first task for a beginner in yoga is to master the correct technique of performing physical positions.
THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE about yoga poses
Our ATTENTION is the most important “tool” we use in a yoga class. Following what is happening with the body while doing yoga positions is necessary. So, you should perform the asanas without haste, and follow the instructions with full attention. By moving slowly, you can continue to make sustainable progress as you practice. You progress gradually and in harmony with your body. Also, it can help prevent injuries. If an injury occurs during a yoga class, the only person responsible is you!!!
This rule was not invented to scare us. On the contrary! It is there to focus your conscious attention on the here and now.
Yoga is purposeful, mindful, and fluid.
Remember that yoga ends where medicine begins. Therefore, any person suffering from some acute illness must be cured before starting to practice yoga. A participant who feels weakness, pain, or symptoms of illness, has a headache, cough, etc., skips the yoga class. This way you protect yourself and the other trainees, if you work in a group.
It is also necessary that you do not suffer from any of the chronic diseases and that you have not had an operation in the previous 6 months. If so, before starting a practice, you need to get a doctor’s confirmation (orall or written) that you can do yoga. A certified and licensed yoga instructor or yoga teacher will assess your health readiness and adapt the practice to your body.
People with disabilities can also practice yoga. But the instructor must have adequate training and expertise to work with this category of practitioners. The same rule relates to pregnant women and the elderly.
1. The limit of pleasantness is the only limit
All yoga poses are performed without effort, spasm, pain, and discomfort. In yoga, we don’t cross our boundaries by force. According to yoga tips, we respect our boundaries. By moving slowly, you can continue to make sustainable progress as you practice. Also, it can help prevent injury
That is why the instructor has no tactile contact with the students. The instructor gives only verbal instructions, does not approach the participants, and does not touch them to correct their position. The instructor doesn’t know where your comfort level is!!! By correcting the position directly, the instructor may exceed your comfort level and cause strain or injury. On the other hand, if you want to make progress in yoga, it is necessary to be aware of each of your movements using your full attention.
2. Don’t compare yourselves to others and don’t criticize yourselves
Yoga is not gymnastics, nor is it a competition. We don’t look at other students during class, we don’t compare ourselves. You are in a yoga class for yourself. You focus all your attention on the instructions, your body, your breathing, and your experience. Do not criticize yourself during class. Give your daily maximum, within the limits of comfort, and be satisfied with what you have achieved. According to yoga tips, the amplitude of the movement is not important. Also, it is not important that others can wrap their body in a pretzel… Only you, your body, your feelings, and your experience are important. Yoga poses are not designed to transform your body alone.
3. Fast movements are unfinished movements and do not bring results
The ease with which the movements are performed is important for the effectiveness of yoga. We have no acceleration or deceleration. Just precise and easy execution of movements with full attention. We contract only those muscles that are necessary to maintain the asana. All other muscles relax (are inactive). We are directing our attention to those parts of the body to which the asana directs. Don’t rush yourself through each pose or the class.
4. Proper breathing
Breathing should be spontaneous and easy, inhaling in a passive position and exhaling in an active position (unless otherwise instructed). Also, we normally breathe through the nostrils, with closed eyes (unless otherwise instructed). The movement and breathing rhythm are coordinated – as a rule, the exhalation is silent and slow, twice as long as the inhalation, and the active position lasts as long as the exhalation.
“Ideal breathing is deep, light, quiet, easy. To breathe means to live. But breathing slowly means living long. And with good humor.”(Lizbeth)
5. Prepare the body
The stomach must be empty: 3 hours before yoga exercises, do not eat if it is a heavy meal; do not eat an hour and a half before yoga exercises after a light meal, and do not eat for at least one hour after the class.
According to yoga tips, we do not recommend performing yoga poses after spending a long time in the sun.
The wardrobe should be wide and comfortable, which does not prevent blood circulation. Also, it is necessary to remove jewelry so that it does not interfere with our position and distract us. The participant should be dressed as decency and temperature allow. “The International Yoga Academy” recommends its instructors wear white clothes during yoga class. The recommended white color symbolizes light and creative power, it signifies purity, wisdom, virtues, and beauty. At the same time, it follows the tradition of the rishi (Upanishad) dress model.” (Kumrić 2014)
6. And come to class!!!
Without action, there is no reaction. Reading about yoga is the same as when someone describes the taste of honey to you, shows you jars of honey, and you have never tasted honey! And, before that, find a qualified teacher. An experienced yoga instructor can provide a great deal of insight and guidance as you practice.
A short and clear answer is NO. Aids are popular in Western (modern) forms of yoga but are not recommended. By aids, we mean blocks, strips, hoops… The reason for this is that the benefit is less than the damage that occurs. First of all, aids can cause injury, overstepping the limit of comfort, stretching… The most important thing is that by using aids we are moving away from the essence of yoga as a practice. Muscles will strengthen faster if we strain them with aid. But yoga is a very specific sport. According to yoga tips, we do not practice yoga only to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility!!! The only aid we use is our clean non-slip yoga mat.
Aids can only be used in exceptional situations. Their function is to enable the correct execution of postures, to prevent injury, or for physiological reasons. We never use aids to deepen the position. For example, pregnant women use a pillow in some lying positions; elderly people use a chair in some sitting positions to keep the spinal column straight… The instructor assesses the need for aid. A qualified yoga teacher can answer your questions during your class, as well as help you achieve the proper posture for each pose with individualized instructions.
– We must practice asanas precisely, following the rules of thousands of years of experience-
read more: Yoga pose – asana – what is an asana
THANK YOU for taking your precious time and reading the text
may love to be with us and harmony with the environment, may every day be love and we in it.
Kumrić D. (2014) Model of clothing in yoga (an example of duality) International Scientific Yoga Journal Sense 4, 159-160
Nikić, P. (2010). YOGA – THE LIGHT OF THE MICROUNIVERSE, Belgrade, International Academy for the Training of Yoga Instructors Yoga Federation of Serbia